ALL Orchestral Electronic Acoustic 8Bit Sound Remakes Non-Game My Music

New Casual Game App

This intro music was written for a casual game app. Unfortunately it is still under development so I cannot disclose much about the app itself, only that it is meant to be highly addictive and fun, and that they wanted me to make a catchy theme.

When I started writing this piece I already knew it would be based on a very upbeat adaptation of the classic “Charleston” drum pattern. I even came out with a nice bass line and I was very happy with it. The only missing piece was the actual theme. Sometimes people don’t understand how hard it is for a musician to come up with a simple, minimalistic, catchy theme. One time someone even came to me in a conference and asked “you know the Digger theme? Shouldn’t be too complicated right? Just write something like that”… I smiled and asked him if maybe he wanted me to write “Dark Side of the Moon” while I was at it.

This task haunted me for days. I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Finally, while I was shopping in Ikea, I looked around and was amazed by how simple everything looked. Well-rounded, colorful, accessible. Say what you will about their furniture, there IS a reason why they are so successful. Suddenly, I just felt it! I grabbed the Ikea shopping list and the pencil, drew a staff and wrote the notes. I sent the final piece to the project manager the next day and he absolutely loved it.